Lake Garda, a tourist destination par excellence
Lake Garda has always been the Italian lake most visited by the national and international influx of tourists, which has enabled the establishment of institutional bodies and private initiatives that today are capable of proposing a complete, varied offer including nature, sport, entertainment, wine and food and much more besides.

In fact, Lake Garda is an area characterised by a mild microclimate that has favoured the settlement of several populations since the Palaeolithic period, as many findings have borne witness, and, over time, it has also been subjected to numerous conquests and annexations: the Gauls, the Veneti, the Alemanni, the Romans, followed by the Lombards, the Scaligeri and Visconti families, the Germans, the French, the Austrians and the Italians. To the extent that even today, Lake Garda belongs to three Italian regions very different from each other: Lombardy, Trentino-Alto Adige and Veneto.

If, on the one hand, having been at the centre of feuds and wars for many centuries reveals the strategic importance of Lake Garda, on the other hand, the passing through of various populations has led to the foundation of many towns as well as a cultural and variegated tourist offer that indeed, has stimulated visitors’ interests even further in this area, since Roman times considered an exclusive tourist destination.

Today, Lake Garda is an extremely popular tourist destination, particularly during the summer, and not only does it attract populations that had historically established strong bonds with this area, such as German-speaking visitors, but also an ever-increasing number of North European, Russian, American, Oriental and Arab tourists.

This is attributable both to the places of natural and historical interest in the Lake Garda area, alongside the propensity towards hospitality that characterises the local people, a feature that is of paramount importance so as to attract significant tourist flows as they require suitable accommodation facilities as well as a variegated, integrated tourist offer.

Thanks to this, the tourist visiting Lake Garda can choose between camping and staying in a luxurious hotel, visiting castles and ancient sites and exhibitions and contemporary art museums, doing almost any kind of sport (canoeing, windsurfing, sailing, fishing, mountainbiking, skiing, playing golf, tennis…), tasting fine wine and local cuisine (also of a Michelin-starred kind), which, over time, has also been influenced by the many cultures that have passed through the area, each of which has left its own legacy in order to create a new, hybrid identity.

The propensity Lake Garda has towards tourism has therefore materialised into a proposal of hospitality together with a wealth of unique services that makes it difficult to compare it with any other areas that are so geographically limited and that has led to the development of experiential opportunities capable of fulfilling the several needs of tourists that are completely different from one another.
ancient sites, canoeing, castles, contemporary art museums, fishing, Italian local cuisine, Lake Garda, Lombardy, luxurious hotel, mountainbiking, places of natural and historical interest, playing golf, sailing, skiing, tennis, Trentino-Alto Adige, Veneto, windsurfing, wine and food