Franciacorta : paths of history, cultures and … wines
With this article begin the stories of walks in the company of our Patrizia Marazzi in the wine territories of northern Italy.
We begin with the territory of Franciacorta, an area rich in history and dedicated to high-level wine production.
Nowadays, it owes its fame to the persistence of its bubbles. But looking further back in time, what happened here? Where exactly are we?
This path has always been a place of transit for a European world that knows no boundaries and moves from north to south and vice versa, bringing with it expertise, visions, ways of being and doing, and openness to contamination while proudly maintaining its own identity, founded on a “know how” that is constantly updated over time.

On foot, in a loop trail, we discover a corner of today’s Franciacorta. It is still a crossroads of routes and opportunities between a north and a south, more open to each other than you might think. It is now also a destination for wine lovers from around the world.
Alongside the notoriety of wines that already cross the national borders, there are lesser-known food productions that surprise you in an “unexpected” tasting.
The experience is conceived and guided by Italy4golf Ambassador Patrizia Marazzi